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I love watching, I think that's my favorite second only to seeing him enjoy himself and would absolutely love seeing someone else being pleasured by him.

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This part is most satisfying knowing that I was the conduit of such emotions. If you are thinking to trick me, do not waste your time.. Perfect gurl sex imej.
I am very easy going kind of guy, who is not afraid to have some real fun, if you know what I mean. Impress me with something I want to hear from today..I enjoy being a submissive, being told what to do, men who know what they want sexually and are not afraid to explore. Your age is not important so older men dont worry about contacting me.
Life is too short for any stress and nastiness.
As my intro title says, I'm up for fun and will try most things at least twice.

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I'm 25 and single, looking for discreet meets. Well, new to the East coast in general.
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