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Vanilla belongs in the kitchen. Ideally you will be someone whose company I (we) can enjoy, some one I can talk to and relate to.

Women, men and couples of all ages but older women and male female couples are preferred. 6.2 in height likes a drink want to have some fun enjoy riding my Harley and going out. When messaging me please be respectful. Did I forget to mention single? I am a Chicago-based craftsman / custom woodworker.
The favor will be handsomely rewarded! Has his/her own life.
Love to cook watch movies sex and more. I am interested in the BDSM life style I enjoy being dominated by someone with the mentality of fucking this bitch up no matter what.
Very talented tongue!!!
Polycule -MF4M MF4MF M4F F4F- LF NSA FWB to Long-Term Looking for us, her, and myself.
I want someone who will be upfront, honest, and I will do the same! I'm a fun freaky dude who loves to have a lot of pictures up, but im willing Conroe, TX to send if you message me about it.

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Hopefully in Conroe, TX you and her would have a very fun evening and maybe even morning. No glove, no love if we meet. Doesn't mean friendship is off the cards though if we get on.
If you don't know what most means please sleep on it. It's new years does anyone want to get together I missed the liquor store.
I especially like girth. We are a bi couple looking for a bbc who can have fun with us. If you have any question. Non paying members can send note.....I'm totally single, empathetic, polite, 60, not sloppy big guy. I'm open minded, non-judgemental and I take a bit of care to keep in shape. DDF and willing to prove it.
I'm a mother of four. Free swinging family galleries. I embrace every aspect of my mind, body and spirit. I'm a chub with a 6 inch cock looking for oral fun and maybe getting topped.
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Ready to tease and please.

Down to earth sane, real, athletic ,fit guy, who likes to have fun and can be very calming when needed. A woman who knows who she is, has a big heart, comfortable with great sex, and willing to jump in to a fun, spontaneous, yet serious relationship. I'm fun caring respectful and wanna gkns a women I can worship. But I hate how this fkn site pegged me. I'mI'm feeling Lonely havnt had sex for along time.
Not really into camping (I like to sleep in permanent structures!) but if there's a decent hotel nearby it's fun to get out into the wilderness.